Wednesday, 30 November 2011

December at Saf shop

whitetrashWhite Trash grottoTHEwhite trash GROTTOWhite Trash 2Inside the grottoreflections2
DSCF5747Reflections 2Reflections1DSCF5750DSCF5751DSCF5766
White Trash grotto 2DSCF5753DSCF5754Insect HouseDSCF5757Small Gallery
DSCF5759DSCF5760Colinsand his work!ColinBarnardJuniorGalleryDSCF5764

December at Saf shop, a set on Flickr.

Been busy creating a white trash grotto

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Litter Angels Awards 2011

LitterAngel2011 copywaiting1waiting2MurstonJuniorKeironPearsonTom GastonAliceDruryBredgar EllieCampbellEastchurchMurstonInfantsBayleighBryanMinsterSamualHomewoodJasmineLairdTeynhamMurstonJuniorEastchurchMinsterMiltonCourtBredgarBap&tongeB&TEcoCouncil2ndChristmasCardLAPoster2011Waiting3Mollie EllisMurstonInfantsTeynham3rdChristcard

Litter Angels Awards 2011, a set on Flickr.

Brilliant evening
Thank you to everyone

PRESS RELEASE Awards Ceremony 2011

On Thursday 24th November from 5.30-7pm, 100 excited children, teachers and families from Across Swale gathered to receive awards from the Mayor and Mayoress of Swale for services to the environment at the Wyvern Hall Central Avenue Sittingbourne for the 2011 Litter Angels Awards Ceremony.

Litter Angels has been busy from September through to October delivering free workshops to 9 schools across the borough. The Workshops are sponsored by McDonalds, Polka Dot Arts and Rocque Recycling and use Art lead projects to get the important environmental message across about LITTERING and the problems it causes. Young people within the schools designed posters and made Litter bugs whilst discussing the issues and solutions to this worldwide problem.

After a “squash and biscuit” reception thanks to Serco Leisure, Gordon Henderson MP who initiated the original project introduced the evening. Followed by Matt Hogben Manager from McDonalds Sittingbourne who explained their involvement. This is the second year they have generously sponsored the Poster design project and the winning poster will be printed on an aluminium plaque and hang in the Sittingbourne and Sheppey Car Parks helping to remind their clients to use the bins! The Mayor and Mayoress of Swale Cll Ben Stokes and Cll Sylvia Bennett where on hand to present the framed certificates and gift tokens to the 9 winners 1 from each school and lots and lots of photos where taken - the overall winner was Jasmine Laird aged 10 yrs from Teynham Primary School whose printed poster will be seen across the area. Look out for them!

This was followed by the second awards for Litter Bug making. This year Rocque Recycling a textile recycling company from Queenborough sponsored the award. Each school was presented a group photograph of their creation by Gail O Marra MD and the overall winners Bredgar Primary School won an extra £25 for their school.

The evening closed with Gordon Henderson announcing the winners 1st, 2nd and third prizes for his Litter Angels Christmas Card competition which had been run through the Swale Arts forum shop in Sittingoburne.

Sioux Peto lead artist and co-ordinator of the project thanked all the sponsors for their generous support along with the many guests that had accompanied her to the schools and her assistants Lily Wilson and Colin Barnard, but especially the Schools and children who worked so hard and made it such a pleasurable experience. Everyone left very happy and proud to have helped spread the message about keeping Swale Clean. “We live in a beautiful part of England and the young people are our future they understand the importance in helping our environment stay clean and want to do something positive to help“

Litter Angles will be busy in a street near you MAKING IT a better place to live!”

Schools and winners

Teynham CEP Primary Overall Poster Winner – Jasmine Laird

Milton Court Primary – Poster Winner Mollie Ellis

Bapchild and Tonge CEP - Poster Winner Tom Gaston

Murston Infants Poster Winner Bayleigh Bryan

Minster in Sheppey Primary - Poster Winner Samual Homewood

Eastchurch CEP -Poster Winner Ellie Campbell

Murston Junior - Poster Winner Keiron Pearson
Bredgar CEP - Poster Winner Alice Drury PLUS Litter Bug Winners

Diverisity House Unfortunatley didn’t turnup for their awards

Special Thanks to :

Colin Barnard, Polka Dot Arts

Paul Knell, Matt Hogben & Paul Newman McDonalds

Danny Peter & Gail O’Marra Rocque Recycling

KCC Cllr. Mike Whiting, Cllr. Ken Pugh, Cllr. Alan Willicombe, Cllr. Adrian Crowther

Swale Borough Council Arts Grant

Trustees of the Charity: Susannah Butcher, Jess McMahon and Gordon Henderson MP

Monday, 31 October 2011

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Sioux and Swale Arts in the Forum

I  have been busy in Sittingbourne with the Swale Arts Forum project over half term.
making plastic bag people for visitors to take away.